Our latest nuclear characterisation tool, ViridiScan®, has been demonstrated successfully in front of an invited audience of nuclear experts
Characterisation experts from site licence companies, the NDA and representatives from contractors working for the nuclear industry attended demonstrations of our new tool on site at Sellafield and in NNL’s Rig Hall, Workington. We were delighted to show them how we can collect concrete with our laser sampling tool, ViridiScope®, and, within minutes, produce a solution suitable for analysis by inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry (ICP-MS). This latest of our in situ analysis techniques provides isotopic analysis for the actinides and, simultaneously, information on stable elements within the concrete. Usually ICP-MS is seen as a laboratory-based instrument but we have put it on a trolley and transported it from North Wales to Cumbria, where it was switched on and operated perfectly.