
Urenco experience ViridiScan in action

Last week we hosted a team from URENCO Nuclear Stewardship, the team covering decommissioning projects at the Capenhurst site

  • Posted On: 3 February 2019
Urenco experience ViridiScan in action

They visited our workshop for a demonstration of ViridiScan, our portable system for in-situ analysis of samples collected with ViridiScope. Microwave digestion is used to produce a solution that is analysed in-situ using an inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICPMS). The advantage of ICPMS over radiometric techniques is that it can measure radioisotopes (particularly for the actinides) and stable isotopes.
URENCO Nuclear Stewardship has been in operation since 2012. It is a global leader in the field of uranic stewardship and end of cycle management solutions for the nuclear industry. Their workforce has specialist management skills and expertise within the nuclear sector.
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