
Project managers want to know how easy it is to use ViridiScope as part of their characterisation toolkit

Perhaps we should ask the people who have used our sampling tool on site

  • Posted On: 28 June 2024
Project managers want to know how easy it is to use ViridiScope as part of their characterisation toolkit Our training session lasts just three hours before we are able to designate a site sampling team fully competent to start work. Feedback we have received from them, and associated health & safety teams, include ‘very light and easy to use’, ‘no noise, so no need for ear defenders’, ‘no dust contamination’, ‘shorter sampling time meant reduced exposure’.  If you would like more information, a demonstration or simply to have a chat,...

Shh... can you hear ViridiScope at work?

A major advantage of our sampling tool – it is very quiet

  • Posted On: 28 May 2024
Shh... can you hear ViridiScope at work? In fact, sampling with ViridiScope is so quiet, it does not require the user to wear ear defenders and workers can communicate without shouting. Other means of sampling, such as drilling and scraping, require noisy power tools, creating not only dust but a great deal of noise. Busy decommissioning nuclear sites are accustomed to the sound of hammering and drilling, but surveying work carried out in buildings, such as laboratories that are still in use, can cause significant disturbance to...

Sampling a painted surface for alpha contamination

A client asked whether ViridiScope could sample through paint and into the contaminated concrete underneath.

  • Posted On: 25 March 2024
Sampling a painted surface for alpha contamination It is sometimes the case in legacy buildings, where radioactive contamination has occurred, that walls or other surfaces have been painted over to reduce exposure from alpha emitters such as plutonium. This means that the usual monitoring tools will not reflect the true nature of the hidden activity. If the area is to be characterised, samples must be removed from below the paint layer for analysis. We showed that our laser sampler can penetrate through paint and into the surface below,...

Sampling on a pole

A client has asked “How can we characterise our pond wall without scaffolding?”

  • Posted On: 14 February 2024
Sampling on a pole We have put ViridiScope on several different platforms over the years, including wall-climbers, but the simplest and most effective solution for pond walls is a pole. The laser sampling head is attached to an extendable pole that is lowered manually to the required sampling position. Sensors on the head ensure that ViridiScope is in contact with the surface to be sampled. It takes just two minutes to collect sufficient material for in situ characterisation of the concrete...

Diolch yn fawr Fforwm Niwclear Cymru

Thank you, Wales Nuclear Forum

  • Posted On: 17 January 2024
Diolch yn fawr Fforwm Niwclear Cymru We were delighted to receive this year’s membership certificate from WNF: a key strategic group to promote services and products, and give a key voice within the Wales-based nuclear and wider low carbon energy industry. Some of you will have visited us at our workshop in North Wales, and if you’ve driven between Warrington and Trawsfynydd you will have passed the end of our road. Our proximity to Trawsfynydd means that we have benefitted from the experience of working on the...

